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Vendor Biography

Mgr. Radoslava Horváthová

Who am I?

I am a woman who has found meaning in life and inner peace.

I am a woman who discovered her life's mission and it became her work.

I am a woman who lives her joy and spreads it out into the world.

Who was I 15 years ago?

I was a woman drowning in negative emotions and the world's greatest victim agenda.

I was a woman whose physical body was screaming that she couldn't take it anymore.

I was a woman who looked around and didn't see her own footprints. 

My profound unhappiness touched my being so much that it brought a touch with the boundary line. And a challenge. A question. The need to decide where I want to go. That's when I made a decision about life, and it subsequently rearranged EVERYTHING. Absolutely everything - relationships, partnerships, friendships, housing, work.

It wasn't always easy. I was confused at the beginning. I was a victim fresh out of depression. With only my nose sticking above the surface, I was clinging to a lifebuoy with my son's name on it, and I felt strongly that my previous life had been a road to hell. I searched for answers and a way out of the mire, attended various seminars and lectures, devoured self-development books, and my head became more and more chaotic. But the prophecy, "When the student is ready, the teacher will be found," soon came true.

In this chaotic state of mind, I searched for what to let myself untangle the cat-tangled balls of wool that perfectly mirrored my inner world. Among other things, there was a lecture by some V. Červenák about etiotherapy. After that, I watched all the videos. Impulse, click, and I don't even know how, I was sitting on the train called Etiotherapy. I sent in my application and in the fall of 2014 I started Schools of Ethnotherapy and Ethnotherapy Skills. I am still sitting on that train today and I intend to sit on it for the rest of my journey.

Today I accompany myself seminars of etiotherapy in ETIKOakademy. I use the principles, skills and methods of etiotherapy as women's guide on the way of revealing his gifts in Ethical circles. I also work as interpreter of children's behaviour and specialize in the application of etiotherapy in the context of Individual, family and education not only in individual work in coping with difficult life situations, but also in the form of lectures and discussions on the topics of Ethical Parenting. I also combine ethical therapy with knowledge from psychology, constellations with placeholders and some regression techniques, and from my own long experience of working with clients of different ages, with children and their parents.

As a lecturer, together with Vladimir Tlčík, I lead seminars of the 4-year school of male-female perspective ethnotherapy: "Man and Woman in Relationships".

I cooperate with Jozef Mihalishin in conducting the seminar "Mother and son" and in co-creating and leading a 5-day pilgrimage through mystical places of forest and life "Wandering through life".

In my spare time I write for children. The first edition is on offer "RADORO MAKES SLAVO" 1+8 magical fairy tales. Author's conscious fairy tales enriched with techniques of loving communication, questions of values, topics for conversation with children...

I'm finishing another book of stories for children and adults.

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