Zapoj sa do súťaže o dielo nášho tvorcu!

Vyhlásili sme súťaž, v ktorej môžeš vyhrať originálne dielo od talentovanej slovenskej tvorkyne Kristíny Rožňovcovej, vystupujúcej pod značkou Malúfka zo Slovenska. Stačí sa zapojiť a môžeš byť šťastným výhercom.

Neváhaj a prihlás sa do súťaže ešte dnes! Zapojenie je jednoduché:

  1. Enter your name and email address to be entered in the competition
  2. Complete the competition activities in the competition panel to earn points. The more you do, the more chances you have to win 

Hotovo! Teraz už len prajeme veľa tvorivého šťastia.

Juraj Hudák

Dielo do súťaže venovala Kristína Rozňovcová ako dar pre ART OF SLOVAKIA, na podporu rozvoja projektu, aby sme spoločne napĺňali poslanie “Creativity for a brighter future“.

Read the competition announcement

Announcement of the competition

  1. Súťaž prebieha na web stránke formou registrácie cez formulár nachádzajúci sa na tejto podstránke v termíne od 27.05.2024 do 09.06.2024.
  2. You can enter the competition by filling in your name, email address, accepting the terms and conditions and clicking on the "Enter" button on this competition page.
  3. You will then be able to complete additional competition activities to increase your chances of winning.
  4. You only enter the competition once to be eligible to win.
  5. Vyžrebovaný bude jeden výherca a vyhrá knihu “Nástenné hodiny s ľudovým vzorom”.
  6. Non-cash winnings of up to €350 are not subject to prize tax.
  7. The winner will be informed about the prize on the email he/she entered during registration and the winner must provide the organizer within 7 calendar days with the postal address to which the prize will be sent via Slovak Post no later than 30 days after the end of the competition or handed over in person in Bratislava.
  8. If the winner does not contact us by email or phone within 7 calendar days, he/she will forfeit his/her right to the prize and an alternate will be drawn.
  9. The winner will be announced on this subpage.
  10. The competition is linked to General conditions of competitions a Privacy Policy. We will process your personal data for the purposes of organising consumer competitions.

Zapoj sa do súťaže o dielo nášho tvorcu!

Vyhlásili sme súťaž, v ktorej môžeš vyhrať originálne dielo od talentovanej slovenskej tvorkyne Kristíny Rožňovcovej, vystupujúcej pod značkou Malúfka zo Slovenska. Stačí sa zapojiť a môžeš byť šťastným výhercom.

Neváhaj a prihlás sa do súťaže ešte dnes! Zapojenie je jednoduché:

  1. Enter your name and email address to be entered in the competition
  2. Complete the competition activities in the competition panel to earn points. The more you do, the more chances you have to win 

Hotovo! Teraz už len prajeme veľa tvorivého šťastia.

Juraj Hudák

Dielo do súťaže venovala Kristína Rozňovcová ako dar pre ART OF SLOVAKIA, na podporu rozvoja projektu, aby sme spoločne napĺňali poslanie “Tvorivosťou ku krajšej budúcnosti”.

Read the competition announcement

Announcement of the competition

  1. Súťaž prebieha na web stránke formou registrácie cez formulár nachádzajúci sa na tejto podstránke v termíne od 27.05.2024 do 09.06.2024.
  2. You can enter the competition by filling in your name, email address, accepting the terms and conditions and clicking on the "Enter" button on this competition page.
  3. You will then be able to complete additional competition activities to increase your chances of winning.
  4. You only enter the competition once to be eligible to win.
  5. Vyžrebovaný bude jeden výherca a vyhrá knihu “Nástenné hodiny s ľudovým vzorom”.
  6. Non-cash winnings of up to €350 are not subject to prize tax.
  7. The winner will be informed about the prize on the email he/she entered during registration and the winner must provide the organizer within 7 calendar days with the postal address to which the prize will be sent via Slovak Post no later than 30 days after the end of the competition or handed over in person in Bratislava.
  8. If the winner does not contact us by email or phone within 7 calendar days, he/she will forfeit his/her right to the prize and an alternate will be drawn.
  9. The winner will be announced on this subpage.
  10. The competition is linked to General conditions of competitions a Privacy Policy. We will process your personal data for the purposes of organising consumer competitions.

We are grateful for every single sharing. Thank you.