Agate, crystal and fluorite illuminator


✨ Energy emitter and sun catcher with crystal, fluorite and green agate 💚

It supports our higher centers, the spasm, the heart and the 1st chakra 😊 and thus our connection to the essence, to the universe, to our work, to the path... It supports intuition, thinking and memory, communication and self-expression, compassion, love, relationships and even health 😊




Dĺžka žiariča je cca 55cm, je na objednávku vyrobený a poslaný do cca 3 dní ☺️

When you hang these lovies in your window or anywhere that the sun shines on them, the sun's rays will magically reflect into your room through the crystal ball, purifying and harmonizing the space 🌞

You can see videos where you can see the illuminators underneath, as well as how the sun's rays reflect off them on my fb page: kristina crystals or on ig: _kristina_crystals_

If you have any questions, please contact me and I will be happy to advise, help, I also produce to order ☺️

I repeat myself with every product 😄 but it is necessary for you to know and take note that crystals, minerals and other stones can help us in cleansing, harmonizing and also supporting the space with the energies we desire ❤️
They affect us through their beauty on the visible, material plane and through their power on the energetic plane 💎
But it doesn't have to be that way at all... when we don't know how to connect with them, when we don't take care of them and we don't respect them, their power gets buried under a layer of the heavier energies that they draw into themselves just from us... They tend to discolour from the inside (which is especially visible with transparent crystals), crack or disintegrate... Or they prefer to disappear... somewhere else.
All this is certainly familiar to people who wear jewelry made of healing stones.

If you want them to help you on an energetic level, you have to take care of them. That's why I also offer a set of tourmalines and crystals for cleansing, which when you put in a circle, you can put a radiant, personal jewelry, or anything else that you would like to cleanse. We already clean that cleaning set classically 🙂


Achát je známy najmä pre svoje harmonizačné a liečivé účinky na telo aj mysel a hlavne emocie 🙂
Pomáha nám v uzemnení, prepojení sa s matkou zemou a prírodou, s múdrosťou našich predkov. Chráni naše biopole, dodáva nám odvahu a silu. Pomáha v práci so strachom, hnevom a negatívnymi emóciami a vzorcami. Ovplyvňuje pozitívne naše vzťahy, vitalitu, rozvíja kreativitu a pomáha nám negatívne emócie pretvárať na tie pozitívne. Zelený Achát sa považuje aj za kameň bojovníkov pretože posilňuje vytrvalosť a napomáha vyrovnať a zharmonizovať emocionálnu energiu. Je to taktiež kameň zdravia, priateľstva a bohatstva 🙂

Fluorit je kameň inteligencie a géniov 🙂
Je to kameň, s ktorým dokážete lepšie zvládnuť chaos a zmäzok každodenného života a znova uviesť do súladu telesnú, citovú a duševnú rovinu.
Prečisťuje a stabilizuje auru, čistí, odstraňuje a preorganizováva v tele všetko, čo nie je v poriadku.
Zlepšuje citový život a prináša do duše mier a pokoj. Vďaka jeho pôsobeniu môžte byť citlivejší pre vyššiu duchovnú realitu, pomáha nám vnímať a chápať energie, zostruje zmyslové vnemy a blahodárne pôsobí na mozog. Zvyšuje koncentráciu, pozornosť, sústredenie, rýchlosť myslenia, zlepšuje pamäť a zvyšuje tvorivosť.. čo nám pomáha pri učení sa ale aj pri meditaciách a koniec koncov sú to vlastnosti, ktoré sa oplatí rozvýjať pre dobrý život 🙂

Crystal is a stone of purity 🙂
It is the most versatile semi-precious stone. It has the widest range of healing effects. Its pure and clear energy clears blockages, aura distortions and soul discord.
It brings harmony to the space it is in and is a strong protective stone. Its most important role is in relation to energy. It can absorb, store and release it. Thus it regulates the flow of energy around us.
In addition, it has the ability to absorb negative energy of all kinds and is therefore considered a stone of purity.
It also plays an important role in harmonizing the person as a whole. It brings peace on emotional, spiritual, mental and physical levels.
It increases creativity and brings inspiration. The crystal also helps to strengthen concentration, memory and other mental functions... it also deepens intuition and meditation very effectively 🙂


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