Mirka Palkova: When we listen to the soul and discover that creation knows no limits

Mirka Palkova: When we listen to the soul and discover that creation knows no limits

A man thinks all his life that he is antithetical in some skill and that it is impossible that one day a work of art will come out of his hands. And then he lets himself be guided by the voice of the soul, attends a course where he learns it, discovers the hidden gifts within himself and suddenly a creative activity is created, out of which unique creations emerge.

Our creator Mirka Palkovová, with whom we did our next video interview, went through something similar. A few months ago, in her short promo video, we already referred to Mirka as a multi-creator, because she is not afraid of challenges and years ago she was involved in creative activities such as decoupage, mix media, but also in the production of various decorations. In the interview she revealed why she decided to paint pictures and what this artistic activity gives her.

What did she bequeath to us?

"The e-shop that is about to be launched is a very big help for me...
...not to mention the fact that a new social network is being created here, I think you will meet like-minded people on the same wavelength, because those of us who like to create also understand each other, so I'm very happy with this platform and I'm very happy that something like this has come."
And even more in the video interview below.

If this interview gave you at least 2 inspiring thoughts and painted a smile on your face at least once, don't hesitate to come back here for the next interview, which will be published soon. You can also check out the previous one right now in the Interviews section of our online magazine. 

Creativity for a brighter future.

We are grateful for every single sharing. Thank you.