Our family trip to Banská Štiavnica

Our family trip to Banská Štiavnica

Thank you Lenka for organizing such a great trip, where we were together as a family, enjoyed the nature and culture.

I would like to share with you our recent family weekend trip to beautiful Banská Štiavnica. I hope it inspires you to visit this amazing city full of history, culture and natural beauty.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday - these were the days when we had the opportunity to get to know Banská Štiavnica from different perspectives. Our walks through the historical part of the town were like a journey through time. We admired the beautiful buildings that testify to the rich history of the town. In addition, we also came across pleasant shops. Personally, I was impressed by photo studio PIERCOM despite the fact that they were closed during the Easter holidays, but already through their interpretation you could see the beautiful creation of photographs, paintings and graphics.

On the recommendation of a friend we visited Hájovňa - cultural and tourist centre. This concept is really amazing! In one place we could have refreshments, enjoy art making and our children had fun on creative climbing frames. It was a combination where family, creativity and art come together in a nice natural setting. For me, it was an example of how creativity, art, culture and nature can go hand in hand.

On Saturday evening we had the honour to attend a concert Martin Geisberg which took place in ART CAFE. The atmosphere was amazing, full of positive energy and friendly mood. Martin played us his songs as he felt like and to our great joy he added one song on request. My Lenka had the courage to ask him for her favourite song, and Martin happily played it for us. It was a beautiful experience that we enjoyed. Listen to my recording, not pro quality, but still worth it.

I wish you a pleasant and creative day.

We are grateful for every single sharing. Thank you.